Clay County States Attorney

About the Office


The Clay County State's Attorney serves the citizens of our county and of South Dakota as the chief prosecutor of adult and juvenile crimes occurring in Clay County.  While the principal responsibility of the office is the prosecution of adult and juvenile crime, the office has the duty of protecting children who may be living in abusive or neglectful homes. Additionally, the office is responsible for providing legal advice and representation to the Board of Commissioners for the county and other elected and appointed department heads and staff.

 “The prosecutor is an independent administrator of justice. The primary responsibility of a prosecutor is to seek justice, which can only be achieved by the representation and presentation of the truth. This responsibility includes, but is not limited to, ensuring that the guilty are held accountable, that the innocent are protected from unwarranted harm, and that the rights of all participants, particularly victims of crime, are respected.”

– Rule 1-1.1 NDAA National Prosecution Standards